Hello, My name is Brian Laverdiere and I guess you could say I am the Web-Wizard of WebWizard Works.
I started this web design company in 1996 and it has been my full time occupation ever since.
My goal is not to build a quick website and say good bye, but rather I am your on going webmaster - always here when you need me. Even going to the extreme of offering free monthly edits. It's important to me that you succeed with your website and I'm here to help you do so!
In addition to being a webmaster, I am also a Linux server administrator (hostmaster) and I personally handle the management of all the server software. The server hardware and network is managed by one of the most respected data centers in the mid-west.
WebWizard Works is also a domain name registrar, made possible by partnering with a large global registrar. Meaning I am able to register domain names for you (in your name of course) in house.
Feel free to to call or email me and let me know how we can help you.
Brian Laverdiere - Owner / Webmaster