Domain registrations hit an all-time high at the end of the second quarter of 2004 - 64.5 million domain names are now registered (4.6 million names between April and June alone!).
A Domain Name ( is the address by which your business is known on the Internet/Web. Because this name can be requested by any business, the name may be available for a short time only (if it's not already taken)!
Most business people agree that your good name is your biggest asset. With many businesses getting connected to the Internet and developing Websites, now is the time to secure your business name for the Internet. Check to see if your name is still available!!!
Act now to secure your Domain Name (or "Web Address") for the future! WebWizard Works will:
- check the availability of your requested Domain Name against the official database,
- .com .net .org .info .biz .us .tv .ws
- complete the registration forms for a Domain Name, and
- apply for your Domain Name on the Internet so you get results, fast!